NJ Department of Agriculture’s “Jersey Fresh Farm to School” Calendar

Objective: Creative Design for State of NJ Department of Agriculture “Jersey Fresh Farm to School.” Worked with Department on redesign of annual calendar (2020) and coordination for distribution to a complex list of recipients - all within an extremely short time frame.

Results: Calendar completely redesigned and approved in just four weeks

Design overhaul improved color reproduction, photos, and legibility

Total print run of 10,000 included statewide mailing and delivery to a combination of 8,516 schools, state agencies, childcare centers, Summer Food Service Program Sites, and other community organizations across New Jersey

Total project cost represented savings in printing and mailing, most efficient use of funding in the five-year history of the NJ Department of Agriculture Jersey Fresh Farm to School Calendar project.

Continued: Successfully produced the Calendar again in 2021!


Rider University


NJM Insurance Group