State of New Jersey, Office of the Attorney General

Office of Insurance Fraud (Medicaid Fraud Control Unit)

Objective: Provide complete content creation, illustration, redesign, translation, and printing services for multicultural brochures focused on the critical program topics of Elder Abuse and Medicaid Fraud for the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General: Office of Insurance Fraud – Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU). 


  • Brochures completely redesigned and approved in just four weeks

  • Secured critical image print licensing agreement 

  • Provided content translation into eleven languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Gujarati, Korean, Italian, Tagalog, Portuguese, and Chinese. 

  • Total print run of 9,000 tri-fold brochures and 9,000 palm cards distributed (500 per language) to nursing homes statewide

  • Shared during World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) presentation

Final pieces converted for distribution online at MFCU website:


Mercer County Office of Economic Development


NJEDA Community Stage Relief Grant Program